Monday, December 25, 2006

If this isn't a Class War, then what the bloody hell is it?

Family systems folks in psychology used to talk about "the elephant in the living room" and the elephant was, variously, an abusive husband, a drug addicted wife (cigarettes, maybe?), a sleeping around spouse, etc., etc.

In any case, it was an exceptionally clever and subtle idea because it reminded us that monster sized problems can be collectively swept under the rug. They even had a name for the key-under-the-rug-sweepers, namely "enablers".

What was so powerful and healing about this analysis was that it made challengingly clear that dealing with the elephant without dealing with the elephant's enablers WAS JUST MORE ENABLING.

Sound familiar?

So, what's the elephant in our nation's living room? The answer to that question is exactly the same as the answer to what is what is the United States of America most in denial about?

The answer, alas, is that we are living in a Dictatorship of the Rich (fancy name: oligarchy). Said differently, America IS a Dictatorship of the Rich. Period.

Not to see this is not to see the sun.

Recent studies have shown that around 2% of the planet controls most of the wealth. So if it's any consolation, dictatorships of the rich are the rule and not the exception.

So here we are, the non 2%, the so called middle and lower classes, cleaning out the commodes of the Bush (alias, Saudi) Royal Families.

A Dictatorship of the Rich is an exact continuation the brutish Middle Ages with their Greek God like Royalty and the necessary serfs, peons, suckers, and slaves -- someone has to clean out the commodes.

OK, now let's talk about enabling. Why do we (i.e., the 98%) keep putting up with this handful of multimillionaires and billionaires? Or, to stick with our metaphor, why do we keep enabling these American Greek Gods?

Before proceeding, we should acknowledge that when it comes to American Greek Gods, there's just as many Democratic/Kennedy Royal Families as there are Republican/Murdoch Royal Families. Not to see this heartbreaking "bipartisan" fact is also not to see the sun.

Enabling is the little tap dance that distracts the family (or country) away from the elephant. That tap dance in America is called centrist politics. Think about enablers like Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton. That's centrist politics, these greased pigs of the Democratic Party who are the absolute and mortal enemies of ethical idealism and scientific rationality, i.e., those values and policies which were RESPONSIBLE FOR the midterm victories of 2006.

The wife with an abusive husband keeps the game going by pretending she really has some input into their "marriage". He, of course, bends over backward to perpetuate this illusion, but the reality is agonizingly otherwise. In spite of these pitiful rituals, he does WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS TO DO, WHENEVER THE HELL WE WANTS TO DO IT.

That's us. We're the enabling wife and Bush/Republicans and Greek God-like elites are doing WHATEVER THE HELL THE WANT TO DO, WHENEVER THE HELL THEY WANT TO DO IT.

But what about politics, law, and the constitution? Isn't that supposed to protect us (remember, the 98%) from the vampire rich 2%.

Ideally, of course, yes, but perhaps the primary and secret function of politics is to perpetuate the illusion that we have genuine, citizen input into the social and financial dynamics of our county.

But do we? The DLC dem centrists are already doing their best to dilute and nullify all the progressive gains of 2006. It's like an abusive husband convincing (money talks!) some scum bag therapist to tell the wife that she should "compromise more".

Well, if the abusive husband represents the pig, pig rich and the scum bag therapist represents the dem centrists, then the beat up wife (or spouse of either gender) is US!

So how do we break this abuse machine? How do we resurrect the American Dream?

Back to reality, right? Well, no magic formulas, but surely first things first is to SEE THINGS LIKE THEY ARE. And that means coming out of denial about thinking of our country as a Democratic Republic.

In our dreams! Our country is light years away from being a Democratic Republic. Out country is a Dictatorship of the Rich and we should find non political strategies (e.g., national boycotts, demonstrations, etc.) to dramatically share our nation's vast wealth.

Of course, the giving-away-the-farm centrists would call this socialism, but doesn't Jesus Justice say it just as well?

In any event, AT LEAST we should be like an abused wife who when talking with a friend, suddenly glimpses that her husband (American elites) is a total monster.

It also helps to see that Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton types are just doors to the commodes.