Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Has Bush pushed us into the realm of "Meta Politics"?

May I coin a word? Meta politics is a social dynamic that transcends traditional politics. It's an ALTERNATIVE to the DNC, the DLC, the RNC, and all the rest of those status quo worshiping acronyms.

For example, if you're a progressive, the kiss of death acronym is the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council), since dead enders like James Carville (with his D- record in election success) is already criticizing a meta politician like Howard Dean (who gets an A+ in election success).

Millions of liberal and moderate Americans have suddenly realized that we have TWO enemies here:

(l.) fascist Bush Republicans, and

(2.) fascist DLC type Democrats.

You may think "fascist" is too strong a word to fit a DLC Democrat, however since the strict meaning of fascism is "status quo-ism", the shoe fits perfectly.

The real conflict in America is no longer between traditional Democrats and Republicans (Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumber), but between "status quo-er's" and followers of meta politics; a distinction which cuts across the nonexistent distinction between status quo Democrats and Republicans.

So how do the Bush/Republicans figure into all of this? That's easy. They lunatic fringed us into such a sewer of hypocrisy, hate, and failure that our traditional political protocols simply blew up in our faces.

The 2006 election mandate showed that the great majority of the country had got the message that America's civil liberties, moral/scientific international reputation, financial stability, and stewardship of the planet had been hopelessly flushed down history's toilet. In short, TIME FOR A CHANGE!

But CHANGE is anathema to the DLC and the politicians who have sold their souls to the DLC, e.g., Hillary Clinton and Joe Liebermann come to mind.

Side question: IS there a Hillary Clinton? Granted, there's a life form there but since it never takes a stand about ANYTHING, it might turn out to be a hologram. Hillary Hologram -- has a nice ring to it (but who wants a hologram for a President?).

No, we want flesh and blood fighters against the Bush/Republican Heart of Darkness. We want people who honor (not dismantle) our American Constitution. We want people who nurture (not rape) Mother Nature. And we want people who aren't determined to turn the American middle and lower classes into a doormat for the Bush Royal Family (or is it the Saudi Royal Family – hard to tell!). In short, we want people who haven't sold their souls to status quo elites.

This is the essence of meta politics: meta politics is the knight in shining armor who is now doing life and death battle against corporate fascism, since the mega rich of our country and planet are the literal Kings and Queens of the 3rd millennia.

Said differently, the [status quo] = [a dictatorship of the rich] and this dictatorship is sucked up to by the DLC every bit as much as the RNC, e.g., James Carville does everything but dance around like a status quo court jester (perhaps he actually dresses in motley in Republican private parties).

Meta politics is the vision that only the people can save themselves and the planet, and thus we are turning our backs on never-rock-the-boat politicians (of BOTH parties) and the Judas media.

The good news is that we are discovering that we really don't NEED these Neanderthal, institutional fail safes for the astronomically rich. The good news is that we are finally (ironically, thanks to the obscene excesses of the Bush/Republicans) realizing that traditional political institutions are MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THAN THE SOLUTION. The good news is that we have the internet and we have more and more progressive politicians. And the good news is that we are FINALLY "seeing through" the Democratic Leadership Council.

The good news is that we are taking in the simple truth that status quo political institutions (of both parties!) are the tails, and we are the dog.

The pragmatics of this quantum jump into meta politics are still being worked out, but much progress has already been made. The internet is now burgeoning with sites in which millions of liberal/progressive Americans stay passionately in touch with each other. Petitions are rife and demonstrations are encouraged and assisted.

Increasingly there is talk of country wide boycotts (the number one unplayed trump card of the middle and lower classes). Arguably, orchestrated boycotts will be the stakes through the hearts of elitist, corporate vampires.

Sometimes in life you have to find out what DOESN'T work before you take responsibility for working out what DOES work, and these last 6 years have taught us that this marriage in hell between DLC Democrats and Bush/Republicans is a cancer which is killing our Constitutional Republic.

It's actually strangely like "alternative medicine". Millions of us have discovered that all too often traditional western medicine settles for anesthetizing symptoms instead of treating causes and so we find ways of healing ourselves by working out ways to get at the causes directly.

Alas, our country is still in intensive care (2006 notwithstanding) and this status quo political hospital is really a prison. Outside this prison live the pig, pig rich of the planet. Inside this prison are 99% of the human race (whose internet-shared frustrations and resentments are approaching critical mass). And our DLC "Doctors" are really status quo guards to keep us in.