Sunday, March 16, 2008

A planetary country club of vampire elites and billions of symbiotic enablers.

No enablers, no elites.

May we say that again? No enablers, no elites.

Enablers, as in: neighbors, relatives, colleagues at work, fellow church members, medical professionals, etc., etc., etc.

Yes, yes, we all know there are exceptions, but do we also know these exceptions profoundly prove the rule?

This planet is basically made up of two power modes: (1.) vampire elites, and (2.) billions of slothful, cowardly enablers of the elites, e.g., TV sitcom heads, religious fanatics, the "don't look at me" slobs, the political duh-brains . . . and a planetary country club of elites who are in control of EVERYTHING and always have been in the control of everything for the last, say, 6,000 years.

But WHY do the elites control everything? Here's a hint. It has NOTHING to do with their cleverness and force of will. So if it’s not you and it’s not me and its not even them, then who? The brain dead enablers, of course.

The psychological model for a dysfunctional family is EXACTLY parallel. The "elephant in the living room" (in our case, vampire elites) is there ONLY because the wife or husband or children or "someone" is first class enabling. And what do the enablers "do"? They supply the global structure in which abusive husbands or doped up wives or tantrum throwing parents, etc., etc., etc., get to behave like the emotional monsters they are. If the enablers resigned and INTERVENED, the dysfunctionality would stop immediately, but for the abused wife, for example, who keeps telling people her husband is really a great guy who sort of doesn't know what he is doing when he is slamming her against the nearest wall and backhanding her face about 14 times, THAT'S enabling.

And that's what billions of human beings keep doing with the elites. We keep making up excuse after excuse for literally satanic behavior, e.g., genocide, which the elites are getting better and better at. Look at Africa and the enforced inoculations which led to a nation now dying of aides.

Psychotic rationalizations like "Divine Right" or an infinitely perverted interpretation of "survival of the fittest", or they've "earned" the money (yeah, by starting a maintaining money cow oil wars) keep popping up as justifications (!) for reducing the human race to a cattle farm run by fascists with cattle prods and ever waiting slaughter houses.

The subtle point here is that it isn't hard to see that elites are virtual devils on earth. That isn't the problem and never been the problem. The "problem" is why don't we scourge this filth off the face of the planet ANYWAY WE CAN? Indeed, that would have been a good title of this submission: ANYWAY WE CAN!

God in heaven (or maybe not), there's BILLIONS of us and a virtual handful of them (roughly 0.5% of the human population), and yet we are their cattle, and they are our Gods.

Time for the word again: enabling, enabling, enabling.

The infinite tragedy is that we DON'T do whatever we have to do to save the human race from this endless, endless slavery (at least 6,000 years and counting).

So, we keep going home and walking into the house in which we get our teeth kicked in (what’s left of them) and/or watching our dope fiend spouse set a wonderful example for our kids (what's left of them) or watching one blatantly obvious affair after another, and on and on and on.

OK. Now moment of truth. WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT ALL THIS CHAOS AND ANGUISH? Well, we turn on Fox Snooze or our insect-brained sitcom of choice or lobotomize ourselves with a religious cult. In short, we "go into denial". And this how we've been living for the last 6,000 plus years.

Fun, fun, fun.

The irony and tragedy is that in all of this we keep putting the emPHAsis on the wrong syLAHble (as an old debate coach of mine used to put it). The elites aren't the problem. Yes, they are in control, but they aren't in control because of their prowess and brains. To the contrary, by now they've become so socially and biologically inbred that many of them are medically defective (English Royal Family ring any bells?) -- and let’s not overlook our pinhead president who had to have a puppet box strapped to his back during presidential debates.

No, the drunk and abusive husband (or spouse equivalent) behaves like a drunken husband not because he is interpersonally dominating everyone, but because everyone is ALLOWING him to get away with murder over and over and over again.

Sound familiar? The elites are human filth and if the human species snapped out of its slothful and cowardly stupor and passivity, we could delete them in a week.

“DELETE THE ELITES” -- good bumper sticker, don’t you agree?

A few billion terribly enraged and fully "awake" human beings could scourge the elites out of human existence once and for all.

Oh yes, one last little item. We will NEVER do this so long as we play the social/political game by the standardized elite rules which surround them like a science fiction force field.

No, we have to find the creativity and daring to crash through these elite-protecting pseudo rules and laws and deal with the elites from OUR world with OUR needs and OUR truths, and OUR rage -- not theirs. This is the Holy Grail Quest of our lives.

Screw the elite worldly game, it’s time to kick over the card table.

If not now, when . . .